“Quelle formidable sejour! Paysages extraordinaires. Egalement tres touche par l’accueil et la disponibilite de nos hotes. Un sejour que l’on ne risque pas d’oublier de si tot.”
Remy et Vincent Kocher, France
“Quelle formidable sejour! Paysages extraordinaires. Egalement tres touche par l’accueil et la disponibilite de nos hotes. Un sejour que l’on ne risque pas d’oublier de si tot.”
Remy et Vincent Kocher, France
“I have been utilizing the services of James Jeffrey for about 3 and a half years. During that time he has become my “Go To” guy. James demonstrates organizations skills, is very timely in response to communication, has a in depth knowledge of booking hunts, working in harmony with outfitters and most importantly understands the needs of a hunter. I am sure you will have your own standards for evaluating James, however in terms of depth of character you will hard pressed to find a better individual.”
Peter Souch, New York, USA
Please feel free to contact us anytime to discuss any aspect of your hunting trip.
James Jeffrey
International Hunting Agent
+1 (281) 814.2398 (Houston,Texas, USA)
Jerome Philippe
Founder of AfricaHunting.com
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